There is little point in having a great website if it cannot be found!
Check out our amazing results below!
Google now dominates at about 95% market share.
We therefore focus and specialise in Google placement.
First we register our customers for Google Search Services:
- Search Console
- Google Analytics
- Google Ads *
Then create a list of “key phrases” which we include within the website main content, products and blogs etc using website SEO software. Then monitor the results over a period and adjust where needed.
Google Analytics:

Google Shopping (Google Product data Feed)
We display your e-commerce website to Google’s Shopping service which displays your Products directly to the top of Google Search;

Some search engine results we have achieved for our clients
* The results below are organic non paid results and are correct at time of publishing 17/12/2023
Selco Cleaning Supplies
“buy cleaning and hygiene supplies in ireland”
Position 3
check results here >